Reading Ideas
Teach – Test – Record Reading Progress – Step 9
Choose ideas which teach, test and monitor reading and phonics. To develop positive reading strategies you need a book full of good ideas to teach reading to all ages.Whatever reading ideas you choose to use, they should include a way to teach, test and record reading progress. Reading ideas usually involve brainstorming interesting ways to teach reading so that your pupil absorbs new principles and learns how to use them efficiently. You will need reading ideas that keep your teaching interesting and varied. The reading ideas that you choose to use will involve choosing more than one reading idea for each lesson. However, if you find specific reading ideas work, continue to use them. Vary your reading ideas for lessons occasionally so that boredom doesn’t set in. Decide on whether your lesson needs reading ideas to teach a principle, make the lesson more tactile, enforce memory or focus on a particular subject such as spelling, blending or segmenting. Whatever reading ideas you choose to use, they should include a simple techniques to to teach, test and record progress.
Literacy strategies may include encouraging children to recommend books to each other. Those who read well and who have mastered phonics decoding will enthuse about stories that they have read. They are more likely to attempt a book that their friend has enjoyed.
- Keep your teaching varied and interesting. Use reading ideas which suit specific tasks.
- Try to identify and record difficulties regularly. Out of sight of the child, write down any reading problems with specific graphemes that need repetition and teach at a later date.
- Record the phonemes/graphemes that the child knows so that you don’t waste time re-teaching it. Keep the learning process moving forward.
- Test current knowledge preferably before and after teaching to ensure assimilation.
- Allow the child to record their own progress and ask questions without fear of negative comments by you. It can be extremely frustrating for an able child to be retaught something he already knows. Avoid this situation if at all possible. If you teach reading in a precise, easy to understand and calm manner, the child will enjoy learning.
Repeat an important lesson as often as you need to in order to help children make a permanent memory. You may need to vary the circumstances in which you teach the principle. Focus lessons, using different reading ideas, senses, vocabulary or place in the classroom may be just what is needed to get the point across.
Reading Ideas – Develop Positive Strategies – Step 10
Accurate, essential phonic skills needs to be taught early in a child’s education and early in the day when the pupil is the least tired. Reading ideas should have clear goals. The reading ideas you choose to use to enhance lessons should help your pupils to achieve their targets.
- Develop positive strategies which encourage on-going phonic development and reading fluency.
- Keep reading to the child regularly even when they can read for themselves. Stop reading at an exciting part of the story to encourage the child to be eager to find out what happens next.
- Develop a comfortable strategy for the child when you listen to them read. E.g. if they want you to step in and tell them what a word says, they tap you on the arm.
- Never, ever tell them that they should know it because they have read it lots of times before. You will be encouraging them to feel disappointed with themselves and put them at risk of failing.
When you teach reading, it should be a positive experience. Avoiding negative comments by saying well done or good try. Positive comments relieve pressure on the child. Reading ideas could include interesting and amusing clips from newspapers, true life stories, magazines or websites for children. Encourage them to read for pleasure outside of the classroom.
Challenging reading material should be alternated with easy reading material to keep enjoyment and progress in balance. Teach reading purposefully until you are sure that the child has an adult reading age. ‘Practice Reading and Speaking‘ is the perfect book to achieve this. It teaches phonics and reading without the technical jargon. It’s detailed, informative and easy to follow. See a preview of Practice Reading and Speaking here.
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